“Thought is the characteristic attribute of the spiritual being. That is what distinguishes Spirit and matter. Without thought the Spirit would not be Spirit. The will is not a special attribute of the Spirit; it is thought at a certain level of energy; it is thought transformed into driving force. It is through the will that the Spirit transmits movements in a given direction to limbs and body. But if it has the power to act upon physical organs how much must that action be upon the fluidic elements that surround us! Thought acts upon the fluids in the ambient, like sound acts on the air; those fluids bring us the thought like the air brings the sound. One can therefore and positively say that there are waves and rays of thoughts in those fluids that cross one another without mixing up, as there are sound waves and rays in the air.”
-The Spiritist Review – Journal of Psychological Studies – 1864
At the end of this lesson children will have learned:
- How our thoughts are important and how they can help us shape our minds and future actions.
- our minds are influenced by and influence like minded souls
- quick round tell us about your week and introduction of new students
- Opening Prayer – prayer box or volunteer
Click to download Powerpoint Thoughts are like magnets
Today we discussed about how to manage our thoughts to build better mental health and a better life
And learned that ”Our thoughts are like magnets. Our thoughts and feelings connect mind-to-mind with others who think and feel the same way “
Next week we will be talking about ” “