Jesus commanded us to let our light shine before others. Notice that he doesn’t say we should be the light of the world, he says we ARE the light of the world! If we don’t shine, we are not fulfilling our purpose! But what does it mean to shine our light?
After this lesson, students will understand better what Jesus meant when he said to shine our light
OPENING: (5 mins)
- Quick round tell us about your week and introduction of new students
- Opening Prayer – prayer box or volunteer
Materials needed: none
Game Hagoo:
The group will be divided into two lines. One person from each line (from opposite ends) will walk towards each other. They cannot talk or make noise. Their goal is to make the other person crack a smile. This is where they need to get creative! Walk funny, make silly faces, dance, whatever it takes. Everyone standing in the lines can help. They can make as much noise as they want. First one to crack a smile loses and joins the other side. Continue with two more people from each line.
SAY: Jesus commanded us to let our light shine before others. Notice that he doesn’t say we should be the light of the world, he says we ARE the light of the world! If we don’t shine, we are not fulfilling our purpose! But what does it mean to shine our light?
EXPLAIN: Light has one primary purpose, to dispel darkness. Imagine sitting in a large auditorium with no lights on and no windows to let in natural light. We would be in pitch darkness, but if one person would light a match, everyone would see it.
The light of one small match can dispel the darkness of an entire room. It doesn’t take a huge spotlight to make a difference!
When Jesus calls us to shine our lights, he is calling us to get rid of the darkness, to light up our dark world with his light. We do this by living according to his word, purpose, and will. We do this by treating everyone we come across with the same love, compassion, and grace that he offers us. Shining our light means that we reflect the very nature of Jesus in everything we do.
- What does it look like to reflect the very nature of Jesus in everything we do?
Example: make someone smile just like our first activity, be kind, show respect, love one another, show no judgement, show appreciation
- When is it most difficult for you to reflect Jesus?
- When do you feel you reflect Jesus the most?
SHOW: To let your light shine means use your talent to ligth up someone else’s world. Maybe someone is feeling sad and you can help with your humor or listening skills, for example.
ACTIVITY (10 mins)
Game of Appreciation: Materials needed: Paper, tape (if paper is letter size), markers
Today we discussed about Shine our light, use our talent to bring good to the world
This is our last class before summer vacation. Have fun in the sun! But don’t forget you have your inner “sun” too!

It is my desire to shine brightly before others, allowing my attitude, words, and actions to reflect the values of Jesus.
I want my life to be a reflection of Your goodness.
I pray that You would use me to spread light to those in need, and to those around me
Help me to shine my light every day
So be it