Thoughts are like Magnets

TOPIC “Thought is the characteristic attribute of the spiritual being. That is what distinguishes Spirit and matter. Without thought the Spirit would not be Spirit. The will is not a special attribute of the Spirit; it is thought at a certain level of energy; it is thought transformed into driving force. It is through the …

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Welcoming others – 1st class

OBJECTIVE Students will learn that Jesus welcomed everyone, even the people who did not like him. Teaching us as Christians we should display the welcoming attitude of God. OPENING PRAYER Welcome new kids, share what you did since the last meeting and opening prayer. LAUNCH THE LESSON Today, we will talk about welcoming others regardless …

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New Year’s Resolutions

OBJECTIVE Jesus is our north star! Jesus is the perfect model of a human being that God has offered to serve as a guide and master. And we should keep trying to accomplish our good resolutions! OPENING PRAYER Everyone shares what they did during the holidays and welcomes newcomers. Opening prayer from prayer box or volunteers. …

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Spirit – Immortality of the soul: The loss of a loved one

TOPIC Immortality of the soul OBJECTIVE At the end of this lesson children will have learned: The three elements of every living being on Earth: Spirit, perispirit and body. Our body dies, but our spirit continues. Reference: OPENING: quick round tell us about your week and introduction of new students Opening Prayer – prayer …

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Resource – Douglas Talks

Christian Videos for Kids Douglas is a curious green puppet who loves to help parents and teachers explain Biblical truths to their kids in a way that’s fun and easy to understand. There are more than 200 episodes of Douglas Talks, and we release a new episode every Monday.

Spirit – Why Do We Come Back? KIDS part 2

TOPIC Reincarnation – many lives, many opportunities to progress OBJECTIVE This lesson aims to consolidate the idea of reincarnation and each incarnation offering us different experiences and opportunities to progress. MATERIALS Please bring several pieces of clothing and/or objects for the children to pretend to be that character. OPENING PRAYER       The educator will welcome everyone …

Spirit – Why Do We Come Back? KIDS part 2 Read More »

Our Body, a divine gift

TOPIC Adapted from Seara do mestre This lesson can be divided into 2 parts depending on the class duration. OBJECTIVE At the end of this lesson children will have learned: our body is a gift from God, and it is exactly what we need during this incarnation to go through the experience we planned for. …

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Shine your light

TOPIC Jesus commanded us to let our light shine before others. Notice that he doesn’t say we should be the light of the world, he says we ARE the light of the world! If we don’t shine, we are not fulfilling our purpose! But what does it mean to shine our light? OBJECTIVE After this …

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Different types of dreams and how to prepare ourselves before going to sleep

Jesus’ Life – Birth

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TOPIC Talk about Jesus, our brother, the guide and model God’s sent to be the Light of the World OBJECTIVE At the end of this lesson children will have learned: children will demonstrate an understanding of what it was like when Jesus was born and Jesus family OPENING: Opening prayer and short round kids tell …

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Introduction – Part 1

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Lesson TopicMeeting my neighbors. Youth Spiritist Education Age group: 4 to 8 years old. Objective Introductions. Children will learn about each other’s likes and dislikes and make social connections with others. Opening prayer: educator will do a spontaneous opening prayer. Activity: “Switch Sides If…” game. Using tape, make a long line on the floor. Have …

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General Elements of the Universe – God, Spirit and Matter – part 2

OBJECTIVE Students will learn about the elements of the Universe according to Spirits Book chapter 2: God, Spirit, and Matter. We, humans, are not capable of understanding everything yet, but things are revealed to us as we know more. We spirits are immortals and our body are temporary houses of our spirit on Earth. Values: …

General Elements of the Universe – God, Spirit and Matter – part 2 Read More »

Spiritual and Material Evolution – part 1

OBJECTIVE Children will learn about the Law of Progress, and all things are evolving – spiritual and material Values: effort, perseverance, hope This lesson plan from: INITIAL PRAYER AND INTRODUCTIONS (5 mins) Initial prayer Students read a prayer from the prayer box or say one by inspiration Quick round to check how everyone is and …

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Virtue: Tolerance

TOPIC We will talk about tolerance in the sense of patience, forbearance, and self-control. OBJECTIVE At the end of this lesson children will have learned: Tolerance fosters respect for people and treating them kindly even when we believe in something completely different. In God’s eye, we are all the same, we are one world, one …

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Growth Mindset – part 4

TOPIC Growth Mindset + Power of Yet, Putting all together OBJECTIVE At the end of this lesson children will have reviewed: Effort and persistence are key to success Keep trying is crucial but maybe we need to change strategies Brain is malleable and challenges make us find new connections in our brain Intelligence is not …

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Introduction Class

TOPIC Introductions After this class kids will know each other better and will get to know the class rules and schedule OPENING PRAYER The educator does the opening prayer welcoming everyone ACTIVITY: INTRODUCTION Do a quick round of Name and Age and introduce yourself as being the Educator and all the other volunteers The educator …

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Spirit, Perispirit, and Body

OBJECTIVE At the end of this class, children will learn human beings are composed of: Spirit, Perispirit, Body Prepared by: @Bernadete, @Susana Material Boiled eggs cups OPENING: Opening prayer and short round students tell about their week LAUNCH LESSON: If a mixed class (younger kids, pre-teens, and teens), perform this activity with younger kids as …

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Collaboration – part 3

TOPIC Collaboration as a way to achieve or build great things Prepared by: @Susana OBJECTIVE In this lesson, children will review what we learned about collaboration. Children will discuss the benefits of collaboration in the Bible and in real life Values: teamwork and compromise PREPARATION Collaboration is: QUICK REVIEW: To listen attentively when people …

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Collaboration – Part 2

OBJECTIVE Illustrate collaboration in the Bible (Rebuild of the wall in Jerusalem) Children will reflect on the importance of one another and how it affects our lives every day Prepared by: @Susana Material: a lollypop for each participant. LAUNCH LESSON Mutual Help – The objective is to realize the importance of helping each other. ( …

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Gingerbread Nativity Scene

GINGERBREAD HOUSE adapted this recipe from the original found here Ingredients 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, at room temperature 1/2 cup dark brown sugar 1/4 cup light molasses or dark corn syrup 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons water12Royal Icing: …

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Resource – Bullying and Diversity Lesson: What’s Your Name?

SOURCE: Bullying and Diversity Lesson: What’s Your Name? | Education World Subjects Health Grades K–2 3–5 Objectives Students will explore their similarities and differences. Keywords Simon Says, tolerance Materials Needed None Lesson Plan Explain to students that they will play a version of Simon Says in which only some students will respond to each command. …

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Game Perspective

PERSPECTIVE GAME Divide the youth and kids in groups Have them take one closed up (really close) photo and a zommed-out photo of the same thing. Use cellphones or tabletsGive them a set time like 5-8mins to finish the activity and it can be outdoor or indoors and whatever object they choose Once they finish, …

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Game Persistence

Material: Aluminum and slotted spoons (optional tape) Persistent Spoons by Mary-Kate Warner Give the prize to everyone with the following phrase: “God is more interested if you show persistence and effort. Not so much how fast or slow you are. Those who persist in the right things are blessed with a stronger brain and character” …

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Games for 6-10yrs

Source: Download the games: Games resources (ages 6 – 10) Taken from A Action Race: This is a fun game using actions. Use actions like jump, hop, clap, run etc. Have the students split into two teams and sit in lines with a chair by each team and one chair at the other …

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Ice breakers

copied from: 20 Great Icebreakers For The Classroom | Georgia Public Broadcasting Icebreakers may seem trivial but they can assist with building meaningful relationships with students. Jennifer Gonzalez wrote a wonderful article outlining a four-part process for getting to know your students and lists breaking the ice as the first step to creating a comfortable …

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Mary of Nazareth – Part 2

What are the virtues Mary of Nazareth had?
Mary had many virtues, like Patience, Resignation, Empathy, and COMPASSION.
Compassion certainly is a virtue that drives us to do good. Jesus taught us that is an absolute MUST HAVE in order to achieve Happiness.

Mary of Nazareth – Part 1

TOPIC Mary of Nazareth, mother of Jesus. Mother’s Day lesson plan. Prepared By: @susana OBJECTIVE After this class children will have learned about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her mission on Earth and now in the Spiritual Realm. MATERIALS Cardstock paper Printouts of for all students or 1 copy to be shared by all …

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Collaboration – Part 1

OBJECTIVE Children will reflect on how collaboration and teamwork can help them to achieve more than they can achieve alone. Values: teamwork and compromise Prepared by: @Susana Resem PREPARATION Write in a board: “None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we …

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